​2024 Events:
The Truth and Shadow Podcast w/ Brandon Wallace
Interview- April 26, 2024
Episode 39: The Dark Side of Imagination: Understanding Lovecraft's Complex Character
Apple Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/truth-shadow-podcast/id1714476896?i=1000663314231
Youtube Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qBFNZaLnM5s&list=PLoXq9jY8Ast99u92Pp5N-_cnWZuGDnjx3&index=4&pp=iAQB
As an Introduction to this interview, Brandon Wallace writes: " On this intriguing episode of “Truth and Shadow,” we delve into the eerie and enigmatic worlds of science fiction, horror, and the occult with the renowned author John L. Steadman. Best known for his book “H.P. Lovecraft & the Black Magickal Tradition,” Steadman offers a unique perspective on the connections between Lovecraft’s mythos and esoteric traditions. We explore the depths of Lovecraftian horror, the influence of occult practices, and the modern mythologies that continue to captivate and terrify audiences worldwide. This is a chilling and intellectually stimulating discussion that peels back the layers of the unknown. Perfect for fans of horror literature, the occult, and anyone curious about the dark corners of human imagination."
I spent an enjoyable 55 minute interview with Brandon; though my main focus was on the topics of my first book, I also talked about my second and third books as well. In particular, I spoke about the Lovecraft's Paradoxes and his contradictory beliefs and personality traits, including his racism and relationships.
​2022 Events:
The Psychosocial Distancing Podcast w/ Daniel Chadborn & Thomas Brooks
Interview via Zoom- July 28, 2022
Episode 99: Lovecraft and the Occult: A Conversation with John L. Steadman
Daniel Chadborn and Thomas Brooks are psychologists at New Mexico Highlands University who host the Psychosocial Distancing Podcast, a podcast that creates "a space to discuss the implications and applications of psychological principles", as they argue in their mission statement.
I spent a very enjoyable hour with Professors Chadborn & Brooks discussing the psychology of magic & religion; naturally, I also talked about my two books H. P. Lovecraft and the Black Magickal Tradition and Aliens, Robots & Virtual Reality Idols in the Science Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, Isaac Asimov and William Gibson. In particular, we focused on the following specific topics:
* The enduring influence of Lovecraft's works on modern day religiosity/occultism
* The meaning of being human
* The belief in secret societies of witches & devil worshippers and how that plays out in popular culture in the 2020's
2021 Events:
Miami Ghost Chronicles with Marlene Pardo Pellicer
Streamyard Interview- December 23, 2021
7:00 PM- 8:30 PM EST
Marlene founded Miami Ghost Chronicles in the 1990s and considers herself one of only a handful of "hardcover paranormal investigators" who work under what she calls the "dungeon" approach, which is little or no reliance on technology to research the unseen world of the paranormal. She has collaborated mainly with research groups in Florida, but she has also assisted other organizations and private clients across the country.
Marlene & I had a lively hour & a half discussion on a variety of topics: life, the afterlife, the necessity for believing in something “larger than oneself” and, of course, the core topics in my book. In particular, we talked about “real” and so-called artificial intelligence & speculated about whether or not robots or VR “idols” will ever achieve a level of mental acuity comparable to humankind.
Midnight in the Desert with Tim Ozman
SKYPE Interview-February 6, 2021
12:00 PM- 3:00 AM EST
This was one my longest interviews to date & among my best. Tim and I discussed my new book Aliens, Robots & Virtual Reality Idols in the Science Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, Isaac Asimov and William Gibson. We also covered a very broad & delightful range of other topics.
*H. P. Lovecraft & prehistoric alien invaders.
* Isaac Asimov’s Foundation & Robot Novels.
* William Gibson’s Sprawl Trilogy.
*The equivalence of Lovecraft’s views to those of contemporary quantum physics.
*Gibson’s views on virtual reality & how it relates to “real” reality.
*The diminishment of humankind in the 21st century & beyond.
*My own personal experience with the “alien” & what the word “alien” really means.
After Hours AM with Joel Sturgis
SKYPE Interview- January 7, 2021
10:00 - 11:00 PM ET
My host Joel Sturgis & I talked about my new book, Aliens, Robots & Virtual Reality Idols in the Science Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, Isaac Asimov and William Gibson. Naturally, we also covered other subjects, including my only paranormal experience & a UFO encounter that I had many years ago.
Paranormal Soup with Jason Bland
YouTube Interview- January 3, 2021
11:00 PM - 2:00 AM EST
The show was hosted by Jason Bland, who has been a paranormal investigator since 2008 and started doing his own Webcast in 2015. His vision was to have a show that gave an open forum to people who have experienced the unexplained and those who have evidence of the paranormal. Paranormal Soup has had guests ranging from the topics of ghosts, aliens, bigfoot, demonic possession and anything that defies the normal perceptions of reality.
For two and a half hours, I talked about my new book, and also, about the uncanny ability of science fiction writers & filmmakers to read current cultural trends & patterns and then predict what will be happening in the future! The segment is Ep 253- Guest John L. Steadman.
2020 Events:
Ghostly Talk Podcast & Radio Show with Scott L. & Amberrose Hammond
SKYPE Interview- November 25, 2020
7:00 - 8:00 PM EST
The Ghostly Talk Podcast & Radio Show is a weekly, unscripted talk show exploring supernatural, paranormal & speculative topics. The show is
is hosted by Scott L. & Amberrose Hammond. The segment is EP 142: John L. Steadman- Aliens, Robots and Virtual Reality Idols in Science Fiction.
As my hosts describe it in their Introduction: “Is our planet going in the direction predicted or imagined by the top science fiction writers past and present? Science fiction and fantasy scholar John L. Steadman joins us to deep dive into authors H.P. Lovecraft, Isaac Asimov, and William Gibson and how they interpreted the concept of what an alien is, and what it wants. Naturally, this topic takes us down a dark and twisted rabbit hole of what-ifs and thought-provoking concepts that only science fiction is capable of making its readers do.”
Zero Books Livestream Interview with Douglas Lain
YouTube - May 23, 2020
2:30 - 3:45 PM PST
Doug & I discussed my new book Aliens, Robots & Virtual Reality Idols in the Science Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, Isaac Asimov and William Gibson. Along the way, we also ended up having a stimulating & speculative discussion about space, time, quantum physics, magic, occultism, and the fate of the universe & humankind's eventual decline.
2019 Events:
"Solaria & the Plight of the Millennials" - published July-August, 2019.
In this essay, I explore the technology & cell-phone addiction that plagues some of our millennials (and young adults as well) & offer possible solutions, basing my argument on themes to be found in Isaac Asimov's great Robot novels.
2018 Events:
Ghostly Talk Radio & Podcast with Scott Lambert & Amberrose Hammond
SKYPE Radio Interview- March 8, 2018
5:00 - 6:00 PM EDT
My hosts Scott L., Amberrose Hammond & I had a very stimulating discussion about Lovecraft & the limitations of the human condition.
We talked about a way out of the limitations; the way of magick, mysticism & energized intuition.
The secret is nothing more or less than changing perception & letting go of our preconceptions.
Nightwatch Radio with Todd Sheets & Chris Weisbach
SKYPE Radio Interview- April 17, 2018
11 PM- 11:45 PM Eastern; 10 PM-10:45 PM Central.
Nighwatch Radio describes itself as the radio show for "Things That Go Bump in The Night."
Nightwatch is the largest independent alternative radio show in the world. It is broadcast in 14 countries including Europe, Australia,
Japan, China & Canada. Amanda Payton is the producer for www.jackaloperadio.com.
I will be discussing my book, H. P. Lovecraft and the Black Magickal Tradition, and other occult & paranormal topics.
New Dawn Magazine Special Issue Vol. 12 No. 2
"Aliens: Extra-Terrestrial or Trans-Dimensional?"- published April, 2018
In this article, I make the case that aliens are essentially not extra-terrestrial, but rather, trans-dimensional, inhabiting the myriad layers of alternate dimensions that interpenetrate the Multiverse, “in” the world as we know it and yet, not really “of” the world.
The first issue of New Dawn magazine appeared in May 1991 in Melbourne, Australia. From humble beginnings, New Dawn has grown into a unique 80 page bi-monthly publication distributed nationwide throughout Australia and New Zealand, with a growing international readership.
In 2004 New Dawn magazine commenced publishing Special Issues devoted to ancient mysteries and the unexplained. These Special Issues, now published every two months, are a thought-provoking and highly readable examination of the greatest mysteries of the past, the present, and the future.
New Dawn Magazine Special Issue Vol. 12 No. 5
"Real & Fictional Vampires in Modern Times"- published Nov, 2018
In this essay, I examine Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) and other literary vampire prototypes that stress the spirit-aspects of the archetype & minimize the corporal. Then, I critique the contemporary pretty boy & girl vampires which are entirely corporal & thus, not terrifying or symbolically imposing in the least. And finally, I argue that real vampires in the 20th & 21st centuries are not corporal and, as a result, are extremely terrifying.
New Dawn magazine publishes speculative articles & essays on ancient & contemporary mysteries, future science and the unexplained- it is, quite literally, the best magazine of its kind in existence in the 21st century.
2017 Events
Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole with Andrieh Vitimus & Jason Colwell
SKYPE Radio Interview- March 7, 2017
7:45-9:00 PM EST
The hosts Andrieh Vitimus, magickal practitioner for fifteen years and author of the influential book: Hands On Chaos Magic (Llewellyn) and Jason Colwell, instructor at the Quantum Life Science Institute in Ohio, push the envelope on every episode of their show on htp://www.para-x.com to determine “just how far the rabbit hole of reality and metaphysics really goes”, as they describe it.
The Paracast with Gene Steinberg & Christopher O'Brien
Radio/Podcast Interview - March 26, 2017.
10:00 PM - 12:00 AM EST
The show runs on Sunday, March 26, 2017, 4:00 AM–7:00 AM Eastern Time on GCN Radio and Boost Radio Network; and Sunday at 10:00 PM Eastern on IRN Internet Radio Network (1:00 AM–4:00 AM Pacific, 3:00 AM–6:00 AM Central, and 09:00 UTC).
This interview was pre-recorded on March 23; after the March 26 airing, it will be available for listening or for download in the show’s website archives and on YouTube.
Beyond Reality Radio with Jason Hawes & JV Johnson
SKYPE Radio Interview- March 27, 2017
12:00 Midnight- 2:00 AM EST
My two hosts each have 25 + years of experience as radio personalities & are prominent in the field of the paranormal. Jason Hawes is co-creator of the NBC/Syfy reality show Ghost Hunters & a NY Times Best Selling Author with 6 books to his credit. JV Johnson is the owner and operator of LMGi Radio Group, promoter of SCARE-A-CON events and publisher/editor of TAPS ParaMagazine.
Radio Interview- May 5, 2017
Time: 9 PM EST
The ScareFest Radio is associated with the ScareFest X Convention, held every autumn in Lexington, Kentucky.
This year, I will be attending the convention at the Lexington Convention Center in downtown Lexington. This is a three day event starting on Friday, 9/29/17 and running through the week-end. Tickets can be purchased on the Scarefest website or at the door; info@thescarefest.com 859-576-5517.
The Wicked Domain on Live Paranormal/History.FM with Alex Matsuo
Radio Interview- May 21, 2017
Time: 10 PM EST
Alex Matsuo is a podcaster, paranormal researcher and host of "The Wicked Domain” on LiveParanormal.com; she has previously hosted the radio shows “ParaNation” and “Paranormal Insider Radio.” She also runs a podcast for the North Carolina theatre community called, “Triangle On Stage.”
She is the founder of the Association of Paranormal Study, which specializes in private home investigations and consultations. She is the author of THE HAUNTING OF THE TENTH AVENUE THEATER, published by Llewellyn. Alex has also published THE HAUNTED ACTOR, as well as MORE THAN GHOSTS (a guide for investigators taking on private paranormal cases). Alex is also a contributing writer to The Supernatural Magazine and Paranormal Enlightenment Magazine as well as the pop culture website.
New Dawn magazine, Special Occult Issue, Vol. 11, No. 4
“H. P. Lovecraft & the Elder Sign”- August 5, 2017
“H. P. Lovecraft & the Elder Sign” is a scholarly study of Lovecraft’s Elder Sign talisman. The Elder Sign is a powerful repository of magickal energy used by magickal practitioners for protection against the Great Old Ones. Lovecraft’s disciple August Derleth created his own version of the Elder Sign which is commonly believed to be based on the five-pointed pentagram, a religious & Wiccan icon. In my essay, I debunk that myth and show that Derleth derived his Elder Sign from Lovecraft’s fictional masterpieces “At the Mountains of Madness” & “The Shadow Over Innsmouth.”
Lighting the Void Show
Radio Interview- Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Time: 10 PM EDT (7 PM PST, 9 PM CST) SKYPE
This show is dedicated to the seeker of knowledge or gnosis. As declared on their website, “somewhere in the Void of Science and Spirituality lies the truth of our existence and the nature of life itself. This is what we babble about here at LTV Radio…. Major topics include, Astronomy, Kabbalah, Metaphysics, The Occult, Mysticism, Magick, Quantum Physics and much more! “
The host of the show, Joe Rupe, admits that he is not an expert in any field of study, but that he is nevertheless committed to questioning “many things” about the nature of our existence and life itself.
Lighting the Void strikes me as a perfect place for me to discuss my book, H. P. Lovecraft & the Black Magickal Tradition, and to engage in a nice, stimulating discussion of magick, occultism and even Quantum Physics. The theories and, surely, the practices of modern physicists in the 21st Century are aligning themselves with the truths that magickal practitioners have acknowledged for centuries.
The End of Days Show
Radio Interview- Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Time: 9 PM EDT (6 PM PDT)
Daniel, host and creator of End of Days Radio, has had paranormal experiences throughout his entire life. The most intriguing of these experiences was an up- close UFO encounter while he was in his late teens. Since that day, Daniel has been obsessed with unraveling the mysteries of our reality and to further that end, he created the End of Days Radio to awaken humankind to the reality of the Paranormal world.
The Carnival of ParaHorror 2017 in Buffalo, New York.
Two Day Presentation & Book Signing: Saturday, August 26, 2017, 11:00 AM-7:00 PM;
Sunday, August 27, 2017, 11:00 AM-4:00 PM.
The Carnival will be held at the Buffalo Central Terminal, 495 Paderewski Drive, Buffalo New York. This is a three-day event, starting on Friday, 8/25/17 and running over the weekend. Tickets can be purchased online at the Carnival of Para Horror website and also at the door of the event. There is free admission for children 10 and under.
My presentation will take place in the late afternoon on Saturday & Sunday. The title of my presentation is "H. P. Lovecraft's Cosmic Carnival of Horror", which will be a very innovative animation presentation designed by my daughter, Ligeia Leigh Steadman. I will demonstrate exactly why H. P. Lovecraft's "horror" is, in fact, the ultimate horror & much more disturbing & frightening than the horror that one usually encounters in contemporary cinema & literature.
My presentation on Sunday will be an encore presentation of the same speech that I will give on Saturday. It will start at 3:00 PM and conclude an hour later at 4:00 PM. My presentations on both days will be very informal & relaxed; guests can ask questions at any time.
Before and after the presentations, I will also have a table at the Carnival for those who wish to purchase a signed copy of my book, H. P. Lovecraft & The Black Magickal Tradition. I will be very pleased to chat with anyone who might want to just drop by and say hello; I hope to see some of my Facebook and Twitter friends. In addition, I will be giving Tarot readings for anyone who wishes to learn about their future prospects & determine the optimal way to achieve their goals & realize their dreams.
2016 Events
The Paranormal Podcast with Jim Harold
Podcast Interview- Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Time: 12:00 -1:00PM EST
The Paranormal Podcast has been on the air since 2005 and can boast 12 million dowloads on I-tunes. Jim Harold has 20 years media experience and is the author of True Ghost Stories: Jim Harold's Campfire (Volumes 1-4).
Late Nights in the Midlands with Michael Vara
Radio Interview- Monday, February 1, 2016
Time: 9:30-10:30 PM EST
LNM radio network is one of America's fastest growing internet radio networks covering current news, UFOs, strange occurrences, conspiracies, cyberspace & the unexplained.
Radio Interview- Saturday, February 13, 2016
Time: 8:00-9:00 PM EST
The Fringe Radio network explores a far-ranging array of ‘Fringe Paranormal’ genres, such as; Ghost Hunting, UFOs, Bigfoot, and Psychics. There is no demarcation to the topics that the show will cross or challenges that they won’t take on. The show cleverly bridges the science fiction with today’s reality through anecdotes, historical research, and insight from well informed and esteemed guests.
The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show with Rob McConnell
Radio Interview: Thursday, March 17, 2016
Time: 11:00 PM-12:00 AM EST
The 'X' Zone, which is described as “a place where Fact is Fiction and Fiction is Reality”, has been hosted by Canadian broadcaster and executive producer, Rob McConnell since 1992. The station is located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8W 3G9.
Topics discussed on the show include: Alien Abduction, Conspiracy Theories, Cosmology, Demonology, Dreams And Dream Interpretation, Exorcism, Extraterrestrial Communication, Ghosts, Government Cover-ups, Paranormal, Parapsychology, Science Fiction, Séances, Shadow People, Shamanism, Spiritualists, Tarot Cards, The Apocalypse, The Michigan Triangle, Time Travel, UFOs, Wicca, Zombies and much more.
The Darkness on the Edge of Town Paranormal Radio Show with Dave Schrader
Radio Interview: Thursday, March 31, 2016
Time: 11:00 PM-1200 AM EST
The Darkness on the Edge of Town Radio Show is part of the Darkness Radio Network in Minneapolis, Minnesota, AM 1130. It is one of the top rated talk radio shows in the Twin Cities since 2006. The Executive Producer & host, Dave Schrader, is an active paranormal investigator & co-author of the book The Other Side (2009). Mr. Schrader has appeared on Paranormal State on A & E and is a frequent guest lecturer across the US.
Dr. J Radio Live Show with Dr. John Andrew Ilias/Roam Productions
Radio Interview: Thursday, April 14, 2016
Time: 7 PM-8 PM PT/10 PM-11 PM EST
The Dr.J Radio Live Show can be listened to on You Tube at www.youtube.com/c/DrJRadioLive/ & on Skype: drjradio.live.
The Dr. J Radio Live Show is a very popular talk radio show which has hosted prominent guests in the fields of alternative sciences and esoterica. Past guests include Peter Levenda, Michael Aquino & Don Webb. The host, Dr. J. Andy Ilias, is a well known radio personality & UFO researcher.
Where Did The Road Go? Radio Show with Seriah Azkath
Radio Interview: Saturday, April 16, 2016
Time: 11:00 PM - 12:00 AM EST
Where Did The Road Go? is broadcast live on WVBR 93.5 FM in Ithaca, New York, every Saturday evening. The show explores the paranormal, alternate sciences, lost history and supernatual topics, and seeks to understand by the use of creative skepticism the hidden forces that affect our world.
The host, Seriah Azkath, has been on the air for 20 years and also hosts The Last Exit for the Lost, a Heavy-Metal based show.
Barnes & Noble - Cleveland, OH
Case Western Reserve University
Book Signing Event-Saturday, May 14, 2016
Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Barnes & Noble College Bookstore
11451 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
P: (216) 368-2650
Dark Sun Rising Radio Show with Erick Bee
Radio Interview: Monday, May 16, 2016
Time: 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST
Dark Sun Rising is broadcast live every Monday night at 10 PM ET on the Para-X-Radio Network. The show "tears back the veil of hype,
misconception, misinformation, and ignorance to examine the darker side of the paranormal world."
The host, Erick Bee, has been a paranormal investigator since 1995 who began his radio career with The Hive in 2010
Deprogrammed Radio with Michael Woods
Radio Interview: Sunday, June 26, 2016
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST
Encore Broad cast: Monday, June 27, 2016
Time: 4:00 AM-5:00 AM EST
Encore Broad cast: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Time: 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM EST
Deprogrammed Radio is broadcast on Things That Go Bump in the Woods. This website can be found at the following link: http://www.deprogrammedradio.com/shows/mysteries-ancient-ufo-conspiracies/things-that-go-bump-in-the-woods. You can listen in at www.deprogrammedradio.com or YouTube or you can download the free deprogrammed radio or tune in radio app.
Michael Woods is a Field Investigator at MUFON, long-time UFO & paranormal researcher and engineer. Michael studied electronics at Tennessee Technology Center, Bethel University. Each week Michael brings to his show the very best of cutting edge researchers and authors in the UFO, Paranormal and Cryptids field.
The Gralein Report with Micah Hanks
Skype Interview Taped on Monday, July 11, 2016
Time: 3:00 - 3:30 PM EST
The Gralien Report offers information about the latest news in science, unexplained phenomena, history, sci-fi, and other compelling news from around the world. Micah Hanks and his team of dedicated investigators and journalists attempt to explore the mysteries of existence by relying on scientific knowledge, and without catering to unfair or cynical criticism.
Micah Hanks is a writer, researcher, podcaster, lecturer and radio personality whose work addresses a variety of areas, including history, politics, scientific theories and unexplained phenomena. He is author of several books, including his most recent work, The Ghost Rockets, as well as his 2011 release Magic, Mysticism and the Molecule: The Search for Sentient Intelligence from Other Worlds. In 2012, his book The UFO Singularity explored themes that incorporated futurism and technology–and at times skeptically–into an analysis of UFO phenomenon. His weekly Gralien Report Podcast is available at www.gralienreport.com , in addition to a news and current events podcast, Middle Theory, available at www.middletheory.com.
The Science of Magic Radio Show hosted by Gwilda Wiyaka.
Radio Interview: Taped on Thursday, July 14, 2016
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 Noon MT
The Science of Magic is broadcast internationally through ‘X’ Zone Broadcast Network, Digital Satellite Network and their affiliates, the Mutual Broadcast Network and IPBN Radio Network. After the taping, it will be available for listening or download on the Science of Magic YouTube
Channel : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-WC6hsjqug&feature=youtu.be and on the website: www.thescienceofmagic.net
The host, Gwilda Wiyaka, is considered by most occult scholars as the foremost expert on the contemporary application of ancient shamantic principles. Gwilda is also a preceptor for the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where she provides instruction to medical doctors on the modern interface between shamanism and allopathic medicine for the University’s School of Medicine’s Complementary and Alternative Medicine Course.
Beyond the Forest Radio Show, hosted by Sanjay R Singhal RA.
Radio Interview: Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Time: 8:00 - 10:00 PM EST (7:00 PM CT)
The episode will air at 7pm Central/8pm Eastern; the show will last about two hours. For those of you who want to listen to the original broadcast, here is the weblink to the show: Beyond The Forest Radio Welcomes Author John L Steadman!
If you miss the original broadcast, the episode will be archived at the official Beyond the Forest Show Blog Talk Show Page: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/beyondtheforest
Sanjay R. Singhal is a licensed architect, interior designer and photographer with degrees from the University of Illinois at Chicago (Bachelor of Architecture) and the University of Notre Dame (Master of Architecture). He also studied abroad in Paris and Rome, traveling extensively throughout Europe studying and researching architecture and design, including in England, France, Holland, Spain and Italy with trips to Germany and Switzerland. He is a published author with five books.
The Carnival of ParaHorror in Buffalo, New York.
Two Day Presentation: Saturday, August 27, 2016, 2:00 - 3:00 PM; Sunday, August 28, 2016, 1:00 - 2:00 PM
The Carnival will be held at the Buffalo Central Terminal, 495 Paderewski Drive, Buffalo New York. This is a three-day event, starting on Friday, 8/26/16, and running over the weekend. Tickets can be purchased online at the Carnival of Para Horror website and also at the door of the event. There is free admission for children 10 and under.
My presentation on Saturday is “H. P. Lovecraft’s Cosmic Weird Tales & the Cinema”. It will start at 2:00 PM and conclude at 3:00 PM or thereabouts. This will be very informal; I want my listeners to feel totally relaxed and to have fun; guests should feel free to ask any questions during the presentation or after, and raise any issues they may wish me to address.
I will be examining Lovecraft’s unique, cosmic and rather revolutionary view of horror and fantasy, as expressed in his major fictional works. Then, I will comment on key Hollywood films that attempt to bring Lovecraft’s unique vision to life: Stuart Gordon’s Dagon (2001); Daniel Haller’s The Dunwich Horror (1970); the Samuel Z. Arkoff production of Die Monster Die (1965), starring Boris Karloff, and Roger Corman’s The Haunted Palace (1963).
My presentation on Sunday will be an encore presentation of the same speech that I will give on Saturday. It will start at 1:00 PM and conclude an hour later at 2:00 PM. Again, this will be very informal.
Before and after the presentations, I will also have a stall at the Carnival for those who wish to purchase a signed copy of my new book, and for those who, likewise, might want to just drop by and say hello. I hope to see some of my Facebook and Twitter friends and colleagues who live in the New York area as well.
The Carnival of Para Horror is a well-known, annual event for individuals (like me) who are fascinated by all things horror and paranormal. It’s a guaranteed good time for everyone.
And I am going to be in very good company for this event! The well-known occult author, writer and publisher Corvis Nocturnum will be a guest; other guests include Debbie Rochon, actress, filmmaker, director and Fangoria radio host; Patsy Mullen, actress, model and star of Frankenhooker; and Eugene Clark, star of The Land of the Dead.
For information about the Carnival & the list of speakers, check out the Carnival of Para Horror website: http://www.parahorror.com/#!guests/c1h6a
Spooky Southcoast hosted by Tim Weisberg & Matt Costa
Radio Interview- Saturday, December 10, 2016
Time: 10 PM- 12 Midnight EST
Spooky Southcoast is one of the longest running paranormal radio/podcasts in the US, having been on the air since 2006 in New Bedford, MA. The hosts are assisted by scientist Matt Moniz, author Chris Balzano and psychic medium Stephanie Burke. The show focuses on all things paranormal, including ghosts, UFO's and cryptids. I will be discussing my book, of course, but any other topics of interest to the hosts and the listeners.
To listen or to download the interview, use the following links:
Archived on the Spooky Southcoast website:
On Facebook:
On Facebook: SpookySouthcoast clip on Quantum Mechanics:
On tunein.com:
On podcat.com:
2015 Events
Radio Interview- Friday, September 4, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM-8:00 PM EST
The Church of Mabus is an online multimedia conglomerate which focuses on researching and reporting on supernatural, paranormal, and unexplained phenomenon. Under the directorship of Jeffrey Pritchard, the owner and operator since 2001, Mabus has evolved from a simple web-community of paranormal and UFO enthusiasts into a multi-site and multi-medium news network.
The Pages Bookshop
Book Signing Event- Saturday, September 26, 2015
Time: 2:00PM-4:00PM
The Pages Bookshop is located on 19560 Grand River Avenue in Detroit, Michigan.
The store frequently hosts leading writers in all genres for author visits. Susan Murphy, the owner and operator of the bookshop, explains succinctly on the store’s website her rationale for operating a bookstore : “I want to share my passion for reading as a way to connect, both to stories and to each other. Even though reading seems to be a solitary activity, it can lead to great conversations between people. My book store will provide a gathering space to share the stories within books.”
Interviewer: Brent Holland
Radio Interview- September 29, 2015
Time: 8:00PM-9:00PM
The Night Fright Showith host Brent Holland is the voice in the dark for paranormal & conspiracy broadcasting. Night Fright is the number #1 Canadian based radio show of its genre. The show is syndicated across Canada.
Brent Holland is a multi award winning music composer for feature films and television having composed for NASA, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, PBS, CBC, SRC, CTV, TVA, TQS, Global, etc. and also in Vietnam, France, Turkey, Great Britain and Europe. His score for the Canadian feature film 21 Brothers, about Canadians in the trenches of World War I, is in the Guinness World Book of Records. Holland has BFA in Music and BFA in Theatre Design (lighting) having worked extensively in this area with Bon Jovi, Michael Jackson, Rod Stewart, Yes, and many, many more. Holland is currently producing the feature length documentary "Ted Sorensen: The Man Who Saved The World...Really!"
The Crazy Wisdom Bookstore & Tea Room
Book Signing Event- Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Time: 7:00PM-8:30 PM
The Crazy Wisdom Bookstore & Tea Room is located on 114 South Main Street in Ann Arbor, Michigan between Washington & Huron.
The store is one of the largest and well-known bookstores in Michigan, established in March, 1982. The store offers 200 book categories, from Acupuncture to Zen, Affirmations to Yoga. They also carry gifts, cards, jewelry, crafts, art, music, incense, ritual Items, candles, aromatherapy, body tools & yoga supplies, reflecting the best selection of merchandise available to nurture Body, Mind and Spirit.
In addition, the bookstore also hosts the Crazy Wisdom Tea Room, a great place to dine, relax, unstress and enjoy a great cup of tea; the Tea Room serves over 100 varieties of tea, coffee and coffee specialty drinks, appetizers, entrees, dips, delectable desserts and treats.
A Room of One's Own Bookstore
Book Signing Event- Thursday, October 8, 2015
Time: 6:00PM-7:30 PM
A Room of One's Own is located on 315 W. Gorham Street in the beautiful city of Madison, Wisconsin, 53703, near the University of Wisconsin campus.
The Room is an independent, local bookstore that offers a wide selection of current and classic fiction, nonfiction, periodicals, graphic novels, local interest titles, gifts, greeting cards, and t-shirts. The store also has strong children's and young adult, women's studies and LGBT fiction and nonfiction sections.
The Room is also proud to be a central part of Madison's women's community and it provides an attractive meeting place, event forum, and safe space for members of this community as well as for visiting authors.
Barnes and Noble-Lansing Mall
Book Signing Event- Saturday, October 10, 2015
Time: 1:00PM-6:00PM
Lansing Mall
5132 W. Saginaw Hwy
Lansing MI 48917
P: 517-327-0437
F: 517-327-3989
Barnes and Noble is a mainstream bookseller chain that boasts almost 600 locations across the US and does brisk online business as well. Ubiquitous and well organized, Barnes & Noble arranges its huge book selection in 22 user-friendly categories, from Art and Architecture to Romance and Travel. The individual stores host seasonal book signings and family-friendly "Storytimes." Most locations also offer free, complimentary Wi-fi; music; movies; and cafes that serve Starbucks coffee.
Radio Interview- Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Time: 7:30-9:00 PM EDT 4:30 PM PDT
Supernatural Girlz has the apt tag line, “where paranormal is normal,” and was founded by paranormal researcher, Patricia Baker and psychic/medium, Helene Olsen in March 2013. Their supernatural guest list includes the very best of paranormal experts and authors on subjects from Bigfoot to Afterlife Experiments to Shamanic healing and more. “If its paranormal, we talk about it,” explains Baker. The Girlz are well known for their easy conversational style offering up enlightenment and entertainment for the listening audience
The new broadcast venue for Supernatural Girlz, Inception Radio Network, is devoted to delivering the best in audio quality and content delivery of all that encompasses the UFO, Paranormal, Conspiracy, and Cryptozoology field through their many shows. Inception Radio Network launched in 2010 and is growing rapidly at an accelerated rate. Inception currently broadcasts from two studios; Superior, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois. The Inception shows are available on their own website, www.Inceptionradionetwork.com,; Youtube; Tune In; Stitcher; Roku;, Live365.com and Nobex.
Barnes and Noble-Flint
Book Signing Event- Saturday, October 24, 2015
Time: 1:00PM-3:00 PM
4370 Miller Rd.
Flint, Mi. 48507
o: (810)732-0937
m: (810)732-0704
f: (810)732-1063
The Triple Goddess Bookstore
Book Signing Event- Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Time: 7:00PM-8:30 PM
2019 East Michigan Avenue
Lansing, Michigan 48912
(517) 883-3619
The Triple Goddess Bookstore is Michigan’s oldest New Age bookstore. The store provides a wide variety of books and tools for spiritual growth and transformation.
Customers can purchase herbs, candles, incense, statuary, essential oils, crystals &, jewelry. The store also offers Tarot readings, Astrology readings and personalized astrology reports.
Barnes and Noble-Chicago
Book Signing Event-Friday, November 13, 2015
Time: 6:00PM-7:00 PM
DePaul University Loop
DePaul Center
1 E. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL. 60604
(312) 362-8792
Podcast Radio Interview- Thursday, November 19, 2015
Time: 9:00 PM EST
Host Marla Brooks stirs the cauldron every Thursday night at 9:00 PM ET on Para X with interesting guests from both the Pagan and Paranormal realms.
Radio Interview- Friday, November 20, 2015
Time: 9:00-11:00 PM EST
U.S. Grand Lodge Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)
Interviewer: Suzanne Torchia
Behind the Paranormal with Paul & Ben Eno
Radio Interview- Monday, December 14, 2015
Time: 6:00-7:00 PM EST
3:00-4:00 PM Pacific
11:00-12:00 PM UK
Behind the Paranormal has been described as "The most intelligent and informative paranormal show anywhere."
WOON 1240 AM Boston/Worcester/Providence
The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast with Sparrow & Mojo
Radio Interview- Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM EST
The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast is one of the longest running pagan podcasts in the US.
Wigglian means "moon-worshiper."
Dead Air Paranormal Blog Talk Radio with Andrea Perron & George Lopez
Radio Interview- Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Time: 9:00 PM EST
Andrea Perron is the author of House of Darkness House of Light, whose paranormal experiences in a Harrisville farmhouse became the inspiration for the recent Hollywood film The Conjuring.